The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal (1985 Edition)

The first stirrings for a new hymnal came from an ad hoc music committee convened in the early 1970s to prepare guidelines toward a philosophy of music for the SDA Church. They sent a request to the General Conference administration to consider the preparation of a new hymnal for the church. In 1981 the SDA Musicians’ Guild made known to some General Conference officers their keen interest and urged that something be started immediately. A committee was appointed under the chairmanship of L.L. Bock, which conducted a survey to see if the denomination felt the need for a new book. A large majority of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the 1941 hymnal and a desire for a new one. At this point Wayne Hooper was asked to be coordinator of a project for a new hymnal and to suggest procedures and make up a budget. A Hymnal Committee of 19 members was appointed, representing all facets of the church organization, and a wide range of musical tastes and philosophies. (To be continued below the index)

Index of titles and first lines

I am coming to the cross
I am going to Calvary
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard
I am trusting Thee
I cannot tell why
I come to the garden alone
I come with joy
I do believe
I gave my life for thee
I have a Friend so precious
I have a Savior, He’s pleading
I hear the Savior say
I hear Thy welcome voice
I heard the voice of Jesus say
I know not why God’s wondrous
I know whom I have believed
I lay my sins on Jesus
I love Thee
I love to tell the story
I love Your kingdom, Lord
I must tell Jesus
I need the prayers
I need Thee every hour
I need Thee, precious Jesus
I saw one weary
I serve a risen savior
I shall see the King
I sing the mighty power
I surrender all
I think when I read that sweet
I vow to thee, my country
I want Jesus to walk with me
I will early seek the Savior
I will follow Thee
I will sing of Jesus’ love
I will sing of my Redeemer
I would be, dear Savior, wholly
I would be like Jesus
I would draw nearer to Jesus
I’d rather have Jesus
I’ll go where You want me to go
I’m a pilgrim, and I’m a stranger
I’m but a stranger here
I’m going home
I’m pressing on the upward way
I’ve found a friend
I’ve wandered far away from God
If you but trust in God
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
Immortal love, forever full
In a little while we’re going home
In Christ there is no east or west
In heavenly love abiding
In imitation, Lord, of Thee
In our work and in our play
In the bleak midwinter
In the blood from the cross
In the cross of Christ I glory
In the garden
In the heart of Jesus
In the hour of trial
In the land of fadeless day
In the morning when I rise
In times like these
Infant holy, infant lowly
Is this a day of new beginnings
It came upon the midnight clear
It is well with my soul
It may be at morn
It may be not be on the mountain’s
It took a miracle

O brother, be faithful
O christian, awake!
O come, all ye faithful
O come, let us sing to the Lord
O come, o come, Immanuel
O day of rest and gladness
O day of rest and gladness
O for a closer walk with God
O for a faith that will not shrink
O for a heart to praise my God
O for a thousand tongues, to sing
O for that flame of living fire
O gladsome light, O grace
O God, from whom mankind
O God of light
O God, our help in ages past
O God, unseen yet ever near
O God, whose will is life and good
O gracious Father of mankind
O happy band of pilgrims
O holy dove of God descending
O how I love Jesus
O Jesus Christ, to you
O Jesus, I have promised
O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild
O Jesus, Thou art standing
O let me walk with Thee
O listen to our wondrous
O little town of Bethlehem
O Lord my God! when I in
O Lord, now let your servant
O love, how deep, how broad
O love of God, how strong
O love of God most full
O love that wilt not let me go
O Master, let me walk with Thee
O morning star, how fair
O now I see the crimson wave
O perfect love
O praise ye the Lord
O sacred head now wounded
O safe to the Rock that is higher
O Shepherd divine
O sing a new song to the Lord
O sing a song of Bethlehem
O sing, my soul, your Maker’s
O solemn thought
O splendor of God’s glory bright
O there’ll be joy when the work is
O Thou in whose presence
O Thou who hearest every
O when shall I see Jesus?
O where are the reapers
O Word of God incarnate
O world of God
O worship the Lord in the beauty
O worship the King
O Zion, haste, thy mission high
Of the Father’s love begotten
On a hill far away
On Jordan’s banks the Baptist
On Jordan’s stormy banks
On our way rejoicing
Once in royal David’s City
Once our blessed Christ of beauty
Once to every man and nation
Only trust Him
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Open my eyes
Open now Thy gates of beauty
Our Father by whose name
Out of my bondage, sorrow
Over yonder

Take my life and let it be
Take the name of Jesus with you
Take the world, but give me
Take time to be holy
Teach me Father, what to say
Tell it to every kindred
Tell me the old, old story
Tell me the story of Jesus
Tell out, my soul, the greatness
Ten thousand times ten thousand
Thanks to God whose word
That glorious day is coming
The advent of our God
The church has one foundation
The church has waited long
The cleansing wave
The dawn of God’s dear Sabbath
The day Thou gavest, Lord
The first noel
The glory song
The God of Abraham praise
The golden morning is fast
The great Physician now is near
The head that once was crowned
The homeland! O the homeland
The judgment has set
The King of love my Shepherd
The King shall come
The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord in Zion reigneth
The Lord is coming
The Lord is in His holy temple
The Lord is in His holy temple
The Lord is my light
The Lord’s my shepherd
The Lord’s my shepherd
The Lord’s our rock
The old rugged cross
The sacred anthem slowly rang
The Savior is waiting
The Son of God proclaim
The spacious firmament on high
The Spirit of the Lord revealed
The strife is o’er, the battle done
The unveiled Christ
The wise may bring their learning
The wonder of it all
The wonders of redeeming love
There is a balm in Gilead
There is a fountain
There is a green hill far away
There is a land of pure delight
There is a name I love to hear
There is a place of quiet rest
There is a quiet place
There is beauty all around
There shall be showers of blessing
There’ll be no dark valley
There’ll be no night there
There’ll be no sorrow there
There’s a land that is fairer
There’s a song in the air
There’s a spirit in the air
There’s a star in the east
There’s a sweet, sweet Spirit
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
There’s no other name like Jesus
There’s sunshine in my soul today
There’s the wonder of sunset at
Thine is the glory
This is my Father’s world
This is My will, My one command
This is the day the Lord
This is the threefold truth
This little light of mine
Thou didst leave Thy throne
Though I speak with tongues
Throned upon the awful tree
Thy broken body, gracious Lord
Thy hand, O God, has guided
Thy love, O God, has all mankind
Thy word is a lantern
‘Tis almost time for the Lord
‘Tis love that makes us happy
‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
‘Tis the blessed hour of prayer
To God be the glory
To the name that brings salvation
Together let us sweetly live
Tread softly
Trust and obey
Turn your eyes upon Jesus

Wake, awake, for night is flying
Wake the song
Watch, ye saints
Watchman, blow the gospel
Watchman, tell us of the night
Watchmen, on the walls of Zion
We are climbing Jacob’s ladder
We are living, we are dwelling
We gather together
We give Thee but Thine own
We give this child to you
We have heard a joyful sound
We have heard from the bright
We have not known Thee
We have this hope
We know not the hour
We love Thy Sabbath, Lord
We plow the fields and scatter
We praise Thee with our minds
We speak of the realms
We three kings
We would see Jesus
We’ll build on the Rock
Welcome, day of sweet repose
Welcome, welcome, day of rest
Were you there?
What a fellowship, what a joy
What a friend we have in Jesus
What a wonderful Savior!
What Child is this?
What does the Lord require?
What heavenly music steals over
What joy it is to worship
What! Never part again?
What wondrous love is this
When all my labors and trials
When Christ was lifted from
When He comes
When He cometh
When I can read my title clear
When I survey the wondrous
When I survey the wondrous
When in our music God
When Jesus comes in glory
When morning gilds the skies
When on a life a darkness falls
When peace like a river
When the church of Jesus
When the roll is called up yonder
When the trumpet of the Lord
When we all get to heaven
When we walk with the Lord
Where cross the crowded ways
While shepherds watched
Whiter than snow
Who can cheer the heart
Who is He in yonder stall?
Wholly Thine
Will your anchor hold?
With songs and honor
Wonderful peace
Wonderful words of life
Wondrous love
Work, for the night is coming
Working, O Christ, with Thee
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb
Would you be free

1. Praise to the Lord
2. All Creatures of Our God and King
3. God Himself Is With Us
4. Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
5. All My Hope on God Is Founded
6. O Worship the Lord
7. The Lord in Zion Reigneth
8. We Gather Together
9. Let All the World in Every Corner Sing
10. Come, Christians, Join to Sing
11. The God of Abraham Praise
12. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
13. New Songs of Celebration Render
14. Let Us Praise the Name of the Lord
15. My Maker and My King
16. All People That on Earth Do Dwell
17. Lord of All Being, Throned Afar
18. O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright
19. O Sing a New Song to the Lord
20. O Praise Ye the Lord
21. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
22. God Is Our Song
23. Now the Joyful Bells A-Ringing
24. Every Star Shall Sing a Carol
25. Praise the Lord, His Glories Show
26. Praise the Lord! You Heavens Adore Him
27. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart!
28. Praise We the Lord
29. Sing Praise to God
30. Holy God, We Praise Your Name
31. Tell Out, My Soul
32. When in Our Music God Is Glorified
33. Sing a New Song to the Lord
34. Wake the Song
35. With Songs and Honors
36. O Thou in Whose Presence
37. O Sing, My Soul, Your Maker’s Praise
38. Arise, My Soul, Arise!
39. Lord, in the Morning
40. The Dawn of God’s Dear Sabbath
41. O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright
42. Now That Daylight Fills the Sky
43. When Morning Gilds the Skies
44. Morning Has Broken
45. Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
46. Abide With Me, ‘Tis Eventide
47. God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven
48. Softly Now the Light of Day
49. Savior, Breathe an Evening Blessing
50. Abide With Me
51. Day Is Dying in the West
52. Now the Day Is Over
53. All Praise to Thee
54. O Gladsome Light
55. Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me
56. The Day Thou Gavest
57. Now All the Woods Are Sleeping
58. Hark, the Vesper Hymn Is Stealing
59. Great Our Joy as Now We Gather
60. Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
61. God Is Here!
62. How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place
63. O Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord
64. Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing
65. God Be With You
66. God Be With You
67. O Lord, Now Let Your Servant
68. On Our Way Rejoicing
69. Lord, Make Us More Holy
70. Praise Ye the Father
71. Come, Thou Almighty King
72. Creator of the Stars of Night
73. Holy, Holy, Holy
74. Like a River Glorious
75. The Wonder of It All
76. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
77. O Love of God Most Full
78. For God So Loved Us
79. O Love of God, How Strong and True!
80. O World of God
81. Though I Speak With Tongues
82. Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne
83. O Worship the King
84. God the Omnipotent
85. Eternal Father, Strong to Save
86. How Great Thou Art
87. God Who Spoke in the Beginning
88. I Sing the Mighty Power of God
89. Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise
90. Eternal God, Whose Power Upholds
91. Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
92. This Is My Father’s World
93. All Things Bright and Beautiful
94. Nature With Open Volume Stands
95. Springs Has Now Unwrapped the Flowers
96. The Spacious Firmament
97. Lord of the Boundless Curves of Space
98. Can You Count the Stars?
99. God Will Take Care of You

100. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
101. Children of the Heavenly Father
102. Unto the Hills
103. O God, Our Help
104. My Shepherd Will Supply my Need
105. Sing to the Great Jehovah’s Praise
106. Give to Our God Immortal Praise
107. God Moves in a Mysterious Way
108. Amazing Grace
109. Marvelous Grace
110. God’s Free Mercy Streameth
111. It Took a Miracle
112. Let Us With a Gladsome Mind
113. As Pants the Hart
114. There’s a Wideness
115. O Come, O Come, Immanuel
116. Of the Father’s Love Begotten
117. The Advent of Our God
118. The First Noel
119. Angels From the Realms of Glory
120. There’s a Song in the Air
121. Go, Tell It on the Mountain
122. Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
123. As With Gladness Men of Old
124. Away in a Manger
125. Joy to the World
126. In the Bleak Midwinter
127. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
128. Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light
129. As It Fell Upon a Night
130. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
131. Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
132. O Come, All Ye Faithful
133. Now Is Born the Divine Christ Child
134. O Jesus Sweet
135. O Little Town of Bethlehem
136. Good Christians, Now Rejoice
137. We Three Kings
138. Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
139. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
140. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
141. What Child Is This?
142. Angels We Have Heard on High
143. Silent Night, Holy Night
144. O Sing a Song of Bethlehem
145. Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
146. I Think When I Read That Sweet Story
147. Christ Upon the Mountain Peak
148. O Love, How Deep, How Broad
149. Once in Royal David’s City
150. Who Is He in Yonder Stall?
151. Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
152. Tell Me the Story of Jesus
153. Prince of Peace, Control My Will
154. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 4/4
155. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 3/4
156. O Sacred Head Now Wounded
157. Go to Dark Gethsemane
158. Were You There?
159. The Old Rugged Cross
160. Ride On in Majesty
161. Throned Upon the Awful Tree
162. Wondrous Love
163. At the Cross
164. There Is a Green Hill Far Away
165. Look, You Saints! the Sight Is Glorious
166. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
167. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
168. And Have the Bright Immensities
169. Come, You Faithful
170. Come, You Faithful
171. Thine Is the Glory
172. The Strife Is O’er
173. Good Christian Friends, Rejoice!
174. Star of Our Hope
175. Now the Green Blade Rises
176. Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
177. Jesus, Your Blood and Righteousness
178. The Unveiled Christ
179. The Wonders of Redeeming Love
180. O Listen to Our Wondrous Story
181. Does Jesus Care?
182. Christ Is Alive
183. I Will Sing of Jesus’ Love
184. Jesus Paid It All
185. Jesus Is All the World to Me
186. I’ve Found a Friend
187. Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners
188. My Song Is Love Unknown
189. All That Thrills My Soul
190. Jesus Loves Me
191. Love Divine
192. O Shepherd Divine
193. Savior, Teach Me
194. Sing We of the Modern City
195. Showers of Blessing
196. Tell Me the Old, Old Story
197. The King of Love My Shepherd Is
198. And Can It Be?
199. The Head That Once Was Crowned

200. The Lord Is Coming
201. Christ Is Coming
202. Hail Him the King of Glory
203. This Is the Threefold Truth
204. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
205. Gleams of the Golden Morning
206. Face to Face
207. It May Be at Morn
208. There’ll Be No Dark Valley
209. That Glorious Day Is Coming
210. Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying
211. Lo! He Comes
212. ‘Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come
213. Jesus Is Coming Again
214. We Have This Hope
215. The King Shall Come
216. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
217. The Church Has Waited Long
218. When He Cometh
219. When Jesus Comes in Glory
220. When He Comes
221. Rejoice, the Lord Is King
222. Hark! Ten Thousand Harps and Voices
223. Crown Him With Many Crowns
224. Seek Ye First the Kingdom
225. God Is Working His Purpose Out
226. Lift Up Your Heads
227. Jesus Shall Reign
228. A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing
229. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
230. All Glory, Laud, and Honor
231. Blest Be the King
232. At the Name of Jesus
233. Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
234. Christ Is the World’s Light
235. Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
236. I Love Thee
237. In the Cross of Christ I Glory
238. How Sweet the Name!
239. Jesus, Priceless Treasure
240. Fairest Lord Jesus
241. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
242. Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
243. King of Glory, King of Peace
244. My Song Shall Be of Jesus
245. More About Jesus
246. Worthy, Worthy Is the Lamb
247. Come, My Way
248. O, How I Love Jesus
249. Praise Him! Praise Him!
250. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
251. He Lives
252. Come, Let Us Sing
253. There’s No Other Name Like Jesus
254. The Great Physician Now Is Near
255. I Cannot Tell Why
256. Ye Servants of God
257. Come Down, O Love Divine
258. Baptize Us Anew
259. Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether
260. Hover O’er Me, Holy Spirit
261. The Spirit of the Lord Revealed
262. Sweet, Sweet Spirit
263. Fire of God, Thou Sacred Flame
264. O for That Flame of Living Fire
265. Breathe on Me, Breath of God
266. Spirit of God
267. Sprit Divine
268. Holy Spirit, Light Divine
269. Come, Holy Spirit
270. O Holy Dove of God Descending
271. Break Thou the Bread of Life
272. Give Me the Bible
273. Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice
274. O Word of God Incarnate
275. O God of Light
276. Thanks to God
277. For Your Holy Book We Thank You
278. Lord Jesus, Once You Spoke to Men
279. Only Trust Him
280. Come, Ye Sinners
281. I Gave My Life for Thee
282. I Hear Thy Welcome Voice
283. O Jesus, Thou Art Standing
284. For You I Am Praying
285. Jesus Calls Us
286. Wonderful Words of Life
287. Softly and Tenderly
288. I Am Going to Calvary
289. The Savior Is Waiting
290. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
291. We Have Not Known Thee
292. Jesus, I Come
293. Heavenly Father, Bless Us Now
294. Power in the Blood
295. Chief of Sinners
296. Lord, I’m Coming Home
297. God Be Merciful to Me
298. I Lay My Sins on Jesus
299. Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive

300. Rock of Ages
301. Nearer, Still Nearer
302. Deeper Yet
303. Beneath the Cross of Jesus
304. Faith of Our Fathers
305. Give Me Jesus
306. Draw Me Nearer
307. I Am Coming to the Cross
308. Wholly Thine
309. I Surrender All
310. I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus
311. I Would Be Like Jesus
312. Near the Cross
313. Just as I Am
314. Just as IAm
315. O for a Closer Walk!
316. Live Out Thy Life Within Me
317. Lead Me to Calvary
318. Whiter Than Snow
319. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian
320. Lord of Creation
321. My Jesus, I Love Thee
322. Nothing Between
323. O for a Heart to Praise My God!
324. Just as I Am, Thine Own to Be
325. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
326. Open My Eyes That I May See
327. I’d Rather Have Jesus
328. Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone
329. Take the World, but Give Me Jesus
330. Take My Life and Let It Be
331. O Jesus, I Have Promised
332. The Cleansing Wave
333. On Jordan’s Banks the Baptist’s Cry
334. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
335. What a Wonderful Savior
336. There Is a Fountain
337. Redeemed!
338. Redeemed!
339. God Is My Strong Salvation
340. Jesus Saves
341. To God Be the Glory
342. Is This a Day of New Beginnings?
343. I Will Sing of My Redeemer
344. I Love Your Kingdom, Lord
345. Christ Is the World’s True Light
346. Lord, Who Dost Give to Thy Church
347. Built on the Rock
348. The Church Has One Foundation
349. God Is Love
350. Blest Be the Tie That Binds
351. Thy Hand, O God Has Guided
352. This Is My Will
353. Father, Help Your People
354. Thy Love, O God
355. Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life
356. All Who Love and Serve Your City
357. Come, Labor On
358. Far and Near the Fields Are Teeming
359. Hark! the Voice of Jesus Calling
360. From the Eastern Mountains
361. Hark! ‘Tis the Shepherd’s Voice I Hear
362. Lift High the Cross
363. Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service
364. O Jesus Christ, to You
365. O Zion, Haste
366. O Where Are the Reapers?
367. Rescue the Perishing
368. Watchman, Blow the Gospel Trumpet
369. Bringing in the Sheaves
370. Christ for the World
371. Lift Him Up
372. How Beauteous Are Their Feet
373. Seeking the Lost
374. Jesus, With Thy Church Abide
375. Work, for the Night Is Coming
376. All Things Are Thine
377. Go Forth, Go Forth With Christ
378. Go, Preach My Gospel
379. We Give This Child to You
380. Welcome, Day of Sweet Repose
381. Holy Sabbath Day of Rest
382. O Day of Rest and Gladness
383. O Day of Rest and Gladness
384. Safely Through Another Week
385. Crowing Jewel of Creation
386. The Sacred Anthem
387. Come, O Sabbath Day
388. Don’t Forget the Sabbath
389. Light of Light, Enlighten Me
390. We Love Thy Sabbath, Lord
391. Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest
392. Dear Lord, We Come at Set of Sun
393. Lord of the Sabbath
394. Far From All Care
395. As Birds Unto the Genial Homeland
396. Lord God, Your Love Has Called Us Here
397. An Upper Room
398. Bread of the World
399. Beneath the Forms of Outward Rite

400. I Come With Joy
401. In Imitation, Lord of Thee
402. By Christ Redeemed
403. Let Us Break Bread Together
404. Now Let Us From This Table Rise
405. O God, Unseen, Yet Ever Near
406. Love Consecrates the Humblest Act
407. Sent Forth by God’s Blessing
408. Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor
409. Jesus Invites His Saints
410. Thy Broken Body, Gracious Lord
411. The Son of God Proclaim
412. Cover With His Life
413. God Has Spoken by His Prophets
414. Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing
415. Christ the Lord, All Power Possessing
416. The Judgment Has Set
417. O Solemn Thought
418. Day of Judgment, Day of Wonders!
419. Soon Shall the Trump of God
420. Jerusalem, My Happy Home
421. For All the Saints
422. Marching to Zion
423. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
424. For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country
425. Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing
426. I Shall See the King
427. No Night There
428. Sweet By and By
429. Jerusalem the Golden
430. Joy By and By
431. Over Yonder
432. Shall We Gather at the River
433. Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand
434. We Speak of the Realms
435. The Glory Song
436. The Homeland
437. I’m Going Home
438. You Will See Your Lord A-Coming
439. How Far From Home?
440. How Cheering Is the Christian’s Hope
441. I Saw One Weary
442. How Sweet Are the Tidings
443. There’ll Be No Sorrow There
444. I’m a Pilgrim
445. I’m But a Stranger Here
446. Lo, What a Glorious Sight Appears
447. Long Upon the Mountains
448. O, When Shall I See Jesus
449. Never Part Again
450. Beautiful Zion
451. Together Let Us Sweetly Live
452. What Heavenly Music
453. We Have Heard
454. Don’t You See My Jesus Coming?
455. Immortal Love, Forever Full
456. My Lord and I
457. I Love to Tell the Story
458. More Love to Thee
459. As the Bridegroom to His Chosen
460. As Water to the Thirsty
461. Be Still, My Soul
462. Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine!
463. Peace, Perfect Peace
464. When I Can Read My Title Clear
465. I Heard the Voice of Jesus
466. Wonderful Peace
467. Life Is Great! So Sing About It
468. A Child of the King
469. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
470. There’s Sunshine in My Soul Today
471. Grant Us Your Peace
472. A Song of Heaven and Homeland
473. Nearer My God, to Thee
474. Take the Name of Jesus With You
475. Balm in Gilead
476. Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary
477. Come, Ye Disconsolate
478. Sweet Hour of Prayer
479. Tread Softly
480. Dear Lord and Father
481. Dear Lord and Father
482. Father, Lead Me Day by Day
483. I Need Thee Every Hour
484. I Need Thee, Precious Jesus
485. I Must Tell Jesus
486. I Do Believe
487. In the Garden
488. At First I Prayed for Light
489. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
490. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
491. In the Hour of Trial
492. Like Jesus
493. Fill My Cup, Lord
494. We Would See Jesus
495. Near the Heart of God
496. Eternal Love, We Have No Good
497. O Gracious Father of Mankind
498. Still, Still With Thee
499. What a Friend We Have in Jesus

500. Take Time to Be Holy
501. Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer
502. Sun of My Soul
503. A Quiet Place
504. Lord Jesus, Think on Me
505. I Need the Prayers
506. A Mighty Fortress
507. Moment by Moment
508. Anywhere With Jesus
509. How Firm a Foundation
510. If You But Trust in God to Guide You
511. I Know Whom I Have Believed
512. Just When I Need Him Most
513. In Heavenly Love Abiding
514. Lord of Our Life
515. The Lord is My Light
516. All the Way
517. My Faith Looks Up to Thee
518. Standing on the Promises
519. Give to the Winds Your Fears
520. He Hideth My Soul
521. Depth of Mercy
522. My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
523. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
524. Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
525. Hiding in Thee
526. Because He Lives
527. From Every Stormy Wind
528. A Shelter in the Time of Storm
529. Under His Wings
530. Is Is Well With My Soul
531. We’ll Build on the Rock
532. Day by Day
533. O for a Faith
534. Will Your Anchor Hold?
535. I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
536. God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens
537. He Leadeth Me
538. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
539. I Will Early Seek the Savior
540. Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild
541. Lord, Speak to Me
542. Jesus, Friend So Kind
543. Jesus, Friend of Little Children
544. Jesus, Son of Blessed Mary
545. Savior, Like a Shepherd
546. The Lord’s My Shepherd
547. Be Thou My Vision
548. Now Praise the Hidden God of Love
549. Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
550. Every Flower That Grows
551. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
552. The Lord’s My Shepherd
553. Jesus, Guide Our Way
554. O Let Me Walk With Thee
555. Shepherd of Tender Youth
556. As Saints of Old
557. Come, Ye Thankful People
558. For the Fruits of His Creation
559. Now Thanks We All Our God
560. Let All Things Now Living
561. We Plow the Fields
562. Come, Sing a Song of Harvest
563. Praise and Thanksgiving
564. For Sunrise Hope and Sunset Calm
565. For the Beauty of the Earth
566. Father, We Thank You
567. Have Thine Own Way, Lord
568. Make Me a Captive, Lord
569. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
570. Not I, but Christ
571. What Does the Lord Require?
572. Give of Your Best to the Master
573. I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go
574. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
575. Let Your Heart Be Broken
576. Awake, Awake to Love and Work
577. In the Heart of Jesus
578. Se Send I You
579. Tis Love That Makes Us Happy
580. This Little Light of Mine
581. When the Church of Jesus
582. Working, O Christ, With Thee
583. You That Know the Lord
584. There’s a Spirit in the Air
585. When Christ Was Lifted From the Earth
586. What Joy It Is to Worship Here
587. In Christ There Is No East nor West
588. Lord of All Nations
589. Holy Spirit, Gracious Guest
590. Trust and Obey
591. In Our Work and In Our Play
592. Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
593. In Times Like These
594. Heir of the Kingdom
595. Let Every Lamp
596. Look for the Waymarks
597. Ye Servants of the Lord
598. Watch, Ye Saints
599. Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers

600. Hold Fast Till I Come
601. Watchmen, on the Walls of Zion
602. O Brother, Be Faithful
603. Christian, Seek Not Repose
604. We Know Not the Hour
605. My Soul, Be on Thy Guard
606. Once to Every Man and Nation
607. God of Grace and God of Glory
608. Faith Is the Victory
609. Am I a Soldier of the Cross?
610. Stand Like the Brave
611. Awake, My Soul!
612. Onward, Christian Soldiers!
613. Fight the Good Fight
614. Sound the Battle Cry
615. Rise Up, O Church of God
616. Soldiers of Christ, Arise
617. We Are Living, We Are Dwelling
618. Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus!
619. Lead On, O King Eternal
620. On Jordan’s Stormy Banks
621. Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children
622. Come, Come, Ye Saints
623. I Will Follow Thee
624. I Want Jesus to Walk With Me
625. Higher Ground
626. In a Little While We’re Going Home
627. Jacob’s Ladder
628. As Jacob With Travel Was Weary
629. O Happy Band of Pilgrims
630. Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings
631. When on Life a Darkness Falls
632. Until Then
633. When We All Get to Heaven
634. Come, All Christians, Be Committed
635. Lord of All Good
636. God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending
637. Son of God, Eternal Savior
638. The Wise May Bring Their Learning
639. A Diligent and Grateful Heart
640. For Beauty of Meadows
641. God in His Love for Us
642. We Praise Thee With Our Minds
643. Father, Who on Us Do Shower
644. O God, Whose Will Is Life and Good
645. God of Our Fathers
646. To the Name That Brings Salvation
647. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
648. I Vow to Thee, My Country
649. Lord, While for All Mankind
650. Our Father, by Whose Name
651. Happy the Home That Welcomes You
652. Love at Home
653. Lead Them, My God, to Thee
654. Lord, Bless Our Homes
655. Happy the Home
656. O Perfect Love
657. O God, From Whom Mankind
658. Heavenly Father, Hear Our Prayer
659. May the Grace of Christ Our Savior
660. Glory Be to the Father
661. Holy, Holy, Holy
662. Let All Mortals Flesh Keep Silence
663. Amens
664. Sevenfold Amen
665. All Things Come of Thee
666. Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord
667. Lord, Bless Thy Word to Every Heart
668. O Thou Who Hearest
669. The Lord Bless You and Keep You
670. We Give Thee But Thine Own
671. As We Come to You in Prayer
672. Spirit of the Living God
673. May God Be With You
674. Shalom
675. May the Lord Bless and Keep You
676. Thy Word Is a Lantern
677. Heavenly Father, to Thee We Pray
678. God Be in My Head
679. God Be in My Head
680. Holy Spirit, Hear Us
681. This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
682. As You Have Promised, Lord
683. Jesus Stand Among Us
684. Hear Our Prayer, O Lord
685. Cause Me to Hear
686. Bless Thou the Gifts
687. The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
688. Surely, Surely
689. Day by Day, Dear Lord
690. Dismiss Us, Lord, With Blessing
691. Lead Me, Lord
692. The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
693. Almighty Father
694. Praise God, From Whom All Blessings
695. Praise God, Form Whom All Blessings
696. I Will Extol The Lord
697. Shout With Joy To God, All The Earth!
698. How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place
699. O Come, Let Us Sing Unto The Lord


As the Bridegroom to His Chosen
As Water to the Thirsty
I Love to Tell the Story
Immortal Love, Forever Full
More Love to Thee
My Lord and I


A Child of the King
Be Still, My Soul
Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine!
Grant Us Your Peace
I Heard the Voice of Jesus
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Life Is Great! So Sing About It
Peace, Perfect Peace
There’s Sunshine in My Soul Today
When I Can Read My Title Clear
Wonderful Peace


A Song of Heaven and Homeland
Balm in Gilead
Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary
Come, Ye Disconsolate
Nearer My God, to Thee
Take the Name of Jesus With You


A Quiet Place
At First I Prayed for Light
Dear Lord and Father
Dear Lord and Father
Eternal Love, We Have No Good
Father, Lead Me Day by Day
Fill My Cup, Lord
I Do Believe
I Must Tell Jesus
I Need the Prayers
I Need Thee Every Hour
I Need Thee, Precious Jesus
In the Garden
In the Hour of Trial
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Like Jesus
Lord Jesus, Think on Me
Near the Heart of God
O Gracious Father of Mankind
Still, Still With Thee
Sun of My Soul
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Take Time to Be Holy
Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer
Tread Softly
We Would See Jesus
What a Friend We Have in Jesus


A Mighty Fortress
A Shelter in the Time of Storm
All the Way
Anywhere With Jesus
Because He Lives
Day by Day
Depth of Mercy
From Every Stormy Wind
Give to the Winds Your Fears
He Hideth My Soul
Hiding in Thee
How Firm a Foundation
I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
I Know Whom I Have Believed
If You But Trust in God to Guide You
In Heavenly Love Abiding
It Is Well With My Soul
Just When I Need Him Most
Lord of Our Life
Moment by Moment
My Faith Looks Up to Thee
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
O for a Faith
Standing on the Promises
The Lord is My Light
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Under His Wings
We’ll Build on the Rock
Will Your Anchor Hold?


Be Thou My Vision
Every Flower That Grows
Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild
God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
He Leadeth Me
I Will Early Seek the Savior
Jesus, Friend So Kind
Jesus, Friend of Little Children
Jesus, Guide Our Way
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
Jesus, Son of Blessed Mary
Lord, Speak to Me
Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
Now Praise the Hidden God of Love
O Let Me Walk With Thee
Savior, Like a Shepherd
Shepherd of Tender Youth
The Lord’s My Shepherd
The Lord’s My Shepherd


As Saints of Old
Come, Sing a Song of Harvest
Come, Ye Thankful People
Father, We Thank You
For Sunrise Hope and Sunset Calm
For the Beauty of the Earth
For the Fruits of His Creation
Let All Things Now Living
Now Thanks We All Our God
Praise and Thanksgiving
We Plow the Fields


Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Make Me a Captive, Lord
Not I, but Christ
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior


Awake, Awake to Love and Work
Give of Your Best to the Master
I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go
In the Heart of Jesus
Let Your Heart Be Broken
O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
So Send I You
There’s a Spirit in the Air
This Little Light of Mine
Tis Love That Makes Us Happy
What Does the Lord Require?
When the Church of Jesus
Working, O Christ, With Thee
You That Know the Lord


Holy Spirit, Gracious Guest
In Christ There Is No East nor West
Lord of All Nations
What Joy It Is to Worship Here
When Christ Was Lifted From the Earth


In Our Work and In Our Play
Trust and Obey


Christian, Seek Not Repose
Heir of the Kingdom
Hold Fast Till I Come
In Times Like These
Let Every Lamp
Look for the Waymarks
My Soul, Be on Thy Guard
O Brother, Be Faithful
Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
Watch, Ye Saints
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
Watchmen, on the Walls of Zion
We Know Not the Hour
Ye Servants of the Lord


Am I a Soldier of the Cross?
Awake, My Soul!
Faith Is the Victory
Fight the Good Fight
God of Grace and God of Glory
Lead On, O King Eternal
Once to Every Man and Nation
Onward, Christian Soldiers!
Rise Up, O Church of God
Soldiers of Christ, Arise
Sound the Battle Cry
Stand Like the Brave
Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus!
We Are Living, We Are Dwelling


As Jacob With Travel Was Weary
Come, Come, Ye Saints
Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children
Higher Ground
I Want Jesus to Walk With Me
I Will Follow Thee
In a Little While We’re Going Home
Jacob’s Ladder
O Happy Band of Pilgrims
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks
Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings
Until Then
When on Life a Darkness Falls
When We All Get to Heaven


A Diligent and Grateful Heart
Come, All Christians, Be Committed
For Beauty of Meadows
God in His Love for Us
God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending
Lord of All Good
Son of God, Eternal Savior
The Wise May Bring Their Learning


Father, Who on Us Do Shower
O God, Whose Will Is Life and Good
We Praise Thee With Our Minds


God of Our Fathers
I Vow to Thee, My Country
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
To the Name That Brings Salvation


As Birds Unto the Genial Homeland
Come, O Sabbath Day
Crowing Jewel of Creation
Dear Lord, We Come at Set of Sun
Don’t Forget the Sabbath
Far From All Care
Holy Sabbath Day of Rest
Light of Light, Enlighten Me
Lord of the Sabbath
O Day of Rest and Gladness
O Day of Rest and Gladness
Safely Through Another Week
The Sacred Anthem
We Love Thy Sabbath, Lord
Welcome, Day of Sweet Repose
Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest


An Upper Room
Beneath the Forms of Outward Rite
Bread of the World
By Christ Redeemed
I Come With Joy
In Imitation, Lord of Thee
Jesus Invites His Saints
Let Us Break Bread Together
Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor
Lord God, Your Love Has Called Us Here
Love Consecrates the Humblest Act
Now Let Us From This Table Rise
O God, Unseen, Yet Ever Near
Sent Forth by God’s Blessing
The Son of God Proclaim
Thy Broken Body, Gracious Lord


Cover With His Life


Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing
God Has Spoken by His Prophets


Christ the Lord, All Power Possessing
O Solemn Thought
The Judgment Has Set


Day of Judgment, Day of Wonders!
Soon Shall the Trump of God


For All the Saints
For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing
I Shall See the King
I’m Going Home
Jerusalem the Golden
Jerusalem, My Happy Home
Joy By and By
Marching to Zion
No Night There
Over Yonder
Shall We Gather at the River
Sweet By and By
Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand
The Glory Song
The Homeland
We Speak of the Realms


O come, o come, Immanuel
Of the Father’s love begotten
The advent of our God


Angels from the realms of glory
Angels we have heard on high
As it fell upon a night
As with gladness men of old
Away in a manger
Break forth, O beauteous
Go, tell it on the mountain
Good Christians, now rejoice
Hark! the herald angels sing
In the bleak midwinter
Infant holy, infant lowly
It came upon the midnight clear
Joy to the world
Lo, how a rose e’er blooming
Now is born the divine Christ
O come, all ye faithful
O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild
O little town of Bethlehem
Rise up, shepherd, and follow
Silent night, holy night
The first noel
There’s a song in the air
Thou didst leave Thy throne
We three kings
What Child is this?
While shepherds watched


Christ upon the mountain peak
I think when I read that sweet
Jesus walked this lonesome valley
O love, how deep, how broad
O sing a song of Bethlehem
Once in royal David’s city
Prince of Peace, control my will
Songs of thankfulness and praise
Tell me the story of Jesus
Who is He in yonder stall?


At the cross
Go to dark Gethsemane
O sacred head now wounded
Ride on! ride on in majesty
The old rugged cross
There is a green hill far away
Throned upon the awful tree
Were you there?
When I survey the wondrous
When I survey the wondrous
Wondrous love


Alleluia, sing to Jesus
And have the bright immensities
Christ the Lord is risen today
Come, you faithful
Come, you faithful
Good Christian friends, rejoice
Hail the day that sees Him rise
Look, you saints! the sight is
Now the green blade rises
Star of our hope
The strife is o’er, the battle done
Thine is the glory


All that thrills my soul
And can it be that I should gain
Christ is alive!
Does Jesus care?
I will sing of Jesus’ love
I’ve found a friend
Jesus is all the world to me
Jesus loves me
Jesus paid it all
Jesus, what a Friend for sinners
Love divine, all loves excelling
My song is love unknown
O Shepherd divine
Savior, teach me
Showers of blessing
Sing we of the modern city
Tell me the old, old story
The head that once was crowned
The King of love my Shepherd


Jesus, Your blood
O listen to our wondrous
The unveiled Christ
The wonders of redeeming love


A hymn of glory let us sing
All glory, laud, and honor
All hail the power of Jesus’ name
At the name of Jesus
Blest be the King
Christ is made the sure
Christ is the world’s light
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Come, let us sing of homeland
Come, my way, my truth, my life
Fairest Lord Jesus
He lives
How sweet the name
I cannot tell why
I love Thee
In the cross of Christ I glory
Jesus, priceless treasure
Jesus, the very thought of Thee
Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts
King of glory, King of peace
More about Jesus
My song shall be of Jesus
O for a thousand tongues, to sing
O how I love Jesus
Praise Him, praise Him
The great Physician now is near
There’s no other name like Jesus
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb
Ye servants of God


Christ is coming
Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Face to face with Christ my Savior
Gleams of the golden morning
Hail Him the King of glory
It may be at morn
Jesus is coming again
Lo! He comes with clouds
Rejoice, the Lord is King
That glorious day is coming
The church has waited long
The King shall come
The Lord is coming
There’ll be no dark valley
This is the threefold truth
‘Tis almost time for the Lord
Wake, awake, for night is flying
We have this hope
When He comes
When He cometh
When Jesus comes in glory
When the roll is called up yonder


All creatures of our God and King
All my hope on God is founded
All people that on earth do dwell
Arise, my soul, arise
Come, Christians, join to sing
Every star shall sing a carol
God is our song
God Himself is with Us
Holy God, we praise your name
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee
Let all the world in every corner
Let us praise the name of the Lord
Lord of all being
My maker and my King
New songs of celebration render
Now the joyful bells are ringing
O morning star, how fair
O praise ye the Lord
O sing a new song to the Lord
O sing, my soul, your Maker’s
O Thou in whose presence
O worship the Lord in the beauty
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
Praise the Lord, His glories show
Praise the Lord, you heavens
Praise to the Lord
Praise we the Lord
Rejoice, ye pure in heart
Sing a new song to the Lord
Sing praise to God
Tell out, my soul, the greatness
The God of Abraham praise
The Lord in Zion reigneth
Wake the song
We gather together
When in our music God
With songs and honors


Lord, in the morning
Morning has broken
Now that daylight fill the sky
O splendor of God’s glory bright
Open now Thy gates of beauty
The dawn of God’s dear Sabbath
When morning gilds the skies


Abide with me, fast falls
Abide with me, ’tis eventide
All praise to thee, my God
Day is dying in the west
God, who made the earth and
Hark! the vesper hymn is stealing
Jesus, tender Shepherd
Now all the woods are sleeping
Now the day is over
O come, let us sing to the Lord
O gladsome light, O grace
Softly now the light of day
Savior, breathe an evening
The day Thou gavest, Lord


Blessed Jesus, at Thy word
God is here
Great our joy as now we gather
How lovely is Thy dwelling


God be with you till we meet
God be with you till we meet
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing
Lord, make us more holy
O Lord, now let your servant
On our way rejoicing

The letter a following a hymn number indicates stanza 1; the letter b indicates stanza 2, et cetera; r indicates refrain.

Genesis 1:1-3
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Genesis 1:5,21
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.


Genesis 1:9,6,16
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.


Genesis 1:16
16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

Genesis 1:21, 25
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

(Continued) Their names and experiences follow:

Charles L. Brooks, chairman; associate secretary, Sabbath School Department of the GC; pastor; singing evangelist; Chapel Records recording artist; chairman, GC Music Committee.

Wayne Hooper, executive secretary; academy and college music teacher; singing evangelist; composer; arranger and singer; member of King’s Heralds Quartet; music director for Voice of Prophecy.

Charles Keymer, chairman, subcommittee on organization and indexes; singing evangelist; pastor; conference president.

Harold Lickey, chairman, subcommittee on texts; tenor, Faith for Today Quartet; academy and college voice and choral teacher; chair of sacred music, Theological Seminary.

Melvin West, chairman, subcommittee on tunes; organist, Faith for Today; college administrator and organ teacher; minister of music for Adventist and many other churches; concert artist; lecturer on worship and the arts; fellow AGO.

Merle J. Whitney, chairman, subcommittee on worship materials; pastor, with special study in worship and hymnology; composer.

James Bingham, high school and college choral director and administrator; church organist/choirmaster for Adventist and Congregational churches; composer. He represented the Australian and Canadian viewpoints.

Alma Blackmon, public school elementary teacher; church organist / choir director; college teacher of voice, piano, English, theory, and choir.

Robert Cowdrick, layman (apple grower), hymnologist of many years’ experience.

Allen W. Foster, coordinator of social services, early childhood division in public school district; composer and recording artist; evangelistic pianist; minister of music in Baptist and Adventist churches; academy music teacher; organist; pianist.

Ronald D. Graybill, early Adventist historian; researcher for E.G. White Estate; college teacher; lecturer; writer.

Frank B. Holbrook, violinist; pastor; SDA Biblical Research Institute; theologian; writer.

Rochelle LaGrone, academy teacher of French, piano, choir; minister of music for SDA churches; organist.

Samuel D. Meyers, pastor; evangelist; associate secretary, Ministerial Department of GC.

John W. Read, academy and college teacher of voice, composition, elementary school music, and choir; conference coordinator of church music; minister of music for SDA Church; president of SDA Musicians’ Guild; composer; music publisher.

J. Robert Spangler, pastor; evangelist; secretary of Ministerial Department of GC; book author.

Ottilie F. Stafford, organist; music teacher; college professor of English, specialty in American literature.

Michael H. Stevenson, pastor; youth leader; associate secretary, GC Youth Department.

Raymond H. Woolsey, pastor; evangelist; book editor, Review and Herald Publishing Association; book author.

The broad diversity of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church was represented by men and women, Black and White, clergymen and laypersons, academics and administrators. In addition, 90 members of an advisory committee reviewed the work, submitted lists of hymns, and offered suggestions and help.

In February of 1982 a survey was sent to more than 3,000 active pastors, asking them to mark which hymns they would like to retain from the old hymnal, and to list any new songs and hymns they would like included. The results of this survey were fed into the Review and Herald computer, and each committee member had a printout at the first meeting in March. Eleven items of information on each hymn were on the spreadsheet.

Computer technology was utilized to the full throughout the whole project. Before each meeting of the committee, new lists of hymns submitted were entered. Then as the work progressed and votes were taken, hymns were removed from or added to the list. Four different kinds of printouts were made available to the members, depending on whether they were working on tunes, text, first lines and titles, or the topical index. This eliminated the endless typing and retyping of lists of hymns, and speeded up the work.

A working Philosophy and Guidelines was voted as follows: “Next to the Holy Scriptures the hymnbook of the church is its most treasured guide in the worship of God and in the bearing faithful witness to His love. ‘The soul may ascend nearer heaven on the wings of praise. God is worshipped with song and music in the courts above, and as we express our gratitude we are approximating to the worship of the heavenly hosts’ (Steps to Christ, p. 104).
