
John Rippon (1751-1836)


Source: Wikipedia

b: April 29, 1751; Tiverton, Devon
d: December 17, 1836; London


Bristol Baptist Academy (1769-1773)


1773-1836 Pastor at Carter Lane Particular Baptist Church, Southwark London
1784 Rewarded Honorary Master of Arts, Rhode Island College
1787 A Selection of Hymns, containing 588 hymns
1790-1802 Published the Baptist Annual Register
1792 Rewarded Honorary Doctor of Divinity, Rhode Island College
1812 Chairman of the Baptist Union

Rippon’s greatest contribution to Baptist life, and to hymnology, was A Selection of Hymns. It contained 588 carefully chosen hymns from the best hymnwriters of the last half of the 18th century. He published this hymnal with the intention of supplementing Dr. Isaac Watts’ Psalms and Hymns. But it soon became a stand-alone hymnal, as it became the most popular among the English and Americans for many years.

The success of his book led to numerous editions, notably the enlarged 10th (1800), the 27th (1828) which had 803 hymns, and a ‘Comprehensive Rippon’ (the 44th edition with 1,174 hymns), issued posthumously in 1844.

Rippon endeavored to improve the quality of the hymnal, altering it often for doctrinal reasons. One of his most famous and influential alteration would actually be Edward Perronet’s All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name, a hymn we still often sing today.

Majority of the hymnwriters for Rippon’s Selection of Hymns were Baptists. However, he was aware of the potential market among other denominations such as the Dissenters, and the Wesleyans, thus including representative hymns to his collection.

Rippon’s efforts in hymnology greatly developed singing in the Baptist churches. The emphasis on theologically sound hymns helped mold the thought of many Baptist congregations. His book was even widely used as a devotional aid by missionary Baptists. Essentially, A Selection of Hymns still play a major role in shaping the modern Baptist hymnals.

As to the tangible success of the hymnal, Manley writes, “In the preface to the twenty-seventh edition (in 1828), Rippon claimed that more than 200,000 copies had been circulated in England and 100,000 copies in the United States. Louis F. Benson, in The English Hymn, states that ‘Rippon’s judgment and taste, his command of originals, and his editorial discretion, were such to insure lasting success.'”


All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name, SDAH 229
Am I A Soldier of the Cross?, SDAH 609
Blest Be the Tie That Binds, SDAH 350
Christ the Lord is Risen Today, SDAH 166
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, SDAH 334
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, SDAH 204
Come, Ye Sinners, SDAH 280
Day of Judgment, Day of Wonders, SDAH 418
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken, SDAH 423
God Moves in a Mysterious Way, SDAH 107
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, SDAH 538
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing<, SDAH 122/a>
How Firm A Foundation, SDAH 509
Lo! He Comes With Clouds, SDAH 211
Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing, SDAH 64
May the Grace of Christ Our Savior, SDAH 659
O For A Closer Walk With God, SDAH 315
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks, SDAH 620
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, SDAH 694
Rejoice the Lord is King, SDAH 221
The God of Abraham Praise, SDAH 11
There is a Fountain, SDAH 336

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