Hymns for Second Advent Believers Who Observe the Sabbath of the Lord

In the November 25, 1851, issue of the Review and Herald there appeared the following notice titled “A Hymnbook”: “There are many calls for our little hymnbook, but the small edition is exhausted, or nearly so. We wish, therefore, to publish a larger collection of hymns, applicable to our faith and hope. And we now invite all who feel interested in such a work to forward to our address, appropriate hymns, either original or select. We want a number of good hymns on the Sabbath. If the friends will help, we can have a choice hymnbook.”

By the following July 1852 James White had finished the compilation of 139 hymns, including many of the standards from the hymnbooks of other churches. Still in the same small, words-only format, it was printed at the Review and Herald office in Rochester, New York. It carried the title Hymns for Second Advent Believers Who Observe the Sabbath of the Lord, but was later known simply as Advent and Sabbath Hymns. Containing all but 10 of the hymns from the 1849 book, it marks the first appearance of a hymn by the gifted Annie Smith, sister of Uriah Smith.

After a little more than a year, James White felt it necessary to publish 28 more hymns in A Supplement to Advent and Sabbath Hymns.

Index of titles and first lines

A life in the future world
A Soldier, Lord, thou hast made
Again the day returns of holy rest
Almighty love inspire
Although I’m down in Egypt’s land
And must I be to judgment brought
And when the last loud trumpet
Another six days’ work is done
Are we almost there?
Asleep in Jesus! Blessed sleep

Be patient, be patient, no longer despairing
Be perfect — holiness pursue
Behold a light appears
Brethren while we sojourn here
Bright scenes of glory strike my sense
Buried beneath the yielding wave
Buried with Christ! Yes thus we lie

Christian, the Morn breaks sweetly o’er thee
Christian, thy warfare soon will be o’er
Come all ye sons of Zion
Come let us anew, our journey pursue
Come, peaceful day! Divinely blest!
Coming Saviour, now in faith

Dear Lord, we would thy praises sing,
Delightful day! First gift of heaven
Drest uniform Christ’s soldiers are,

Farewell! Farewell! To all below
For Canaan I’ve started, and on I must go
From every stormy wind that blows

Hail the day so long expected
Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning
Hail, peaceful morn, thy dawn I hail
Hark, ten thousand harps and voices
Hark! Hark! Hear the blest tidings
Haste, my dull soul, arise
Hear the glorious proclamation
Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims
Here o’er the earth as a stranger I roam
Here, Saviour, we would come
Holy Bible! Book divine
Hosanna! Hark the melody
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
How happy are the little flock
How happy is the man
How sweet to reflect on those joys that await me
Humble souls that seek salvation,

I am weary of staying, O fain would I rest
I have heard of a land that is ever bright
I love this pure religion
I love to steal awhile away
I never shall forgot the day
I saw one weary, sad and torn
I walk a lonely pilgrim here
I would not live alway, I ask not to stay
I’ll try to prove faithful
I’m a lonely traveler here
I’m a pilgrim, and I’m a stranger
I’m glad I ever heard the cry
I’m glad I know that Christ shall reign
In expectation sweet
In the midst of temptation, and sorrow, and strife
It is the hour of Time’s farewell
It was not sleep that bound my sleep

Jerusalem my happy home
Jesus died on Calvary’s mountain
Jesus my all to heaven is gone
Jesus our Saviour says — I will appear
Jesus, at thy command
Jesus, I my cross have taken

Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus
Lo, what a glorious sight appears,
Lo! An angel loud proclaiming
Lo! He comes, with clouds descending
Lonely and weary, by sorrow opprest
Long for my Saviour I’ve been waiting
Long upon the mountains, weary
Lord in the morning thou shalt hear
Low down in this beautiful valley

Mark that pilgrim — lowly bending
Mid scenes of confusion, and creature complaints
Must Simon bear his cross alone
My Captain sounds the alarm of war
My harp untuned, and laid aside
My heart was cold, lukewarm was I
My Saviour’s coming in the sky
My soul is full of glory
My soul is happy when I hear

Now we have met in Jesus’ name

O brother be faithful
O give me my Bible — the statutes of heaven
O hail, happy day, that speaks our trials ended
O let thy sweet Spirit descend from above
O tell me no more
O the Lord has passed by, and He’s given
O, how I long to see that day
Oh, no, we cannot sing our songs
Oh, spare thy people, Lord
On Jordan’s banks I stand
On the high cliffs of Jordan with pleasure I stand
One precious boon, O Lord, I seek
Our bondage, it will end, by and by, when He comes
Our Father who in heaven art
Our Saviour, meek, and lowly, came

Rejoice, believer, in the Lord,
Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is coming

Salem’s bright King, Jesus by name
See, brethren, see how the day rolls on
Shall I for fear of feeble man,
Sleep, now, dear brother, sweetly sleep
So let our lips and lives express
Soldiers of Christ arise
Son of God, thy people’s shield
Star of our hope! He’ll soon appear
Sweet is the last, the parting ray
Sweet is the work, my God, and King

The blest memorials of thy grief
The chariot!, The chariot! Its wheels roll in fire
The Christian warrior — see him stand
The coming events of the kingdom of God
The friends that flee when trials come
The God that made the earth
The last lovely morning
The light of Sabbath eve,
The Lord is coming let this be
The old Israelites knew
The pure testimony put forth in the Spirit
There is a holy City
There is a house in heaven built
There is a King, of glory
There is a land, a better land than this
There is a world to come
Thine earthy Sabbath, Lord, we love
Thine holy day’s returning
This groaning earth is too dark and drear
This is the day of sacred rest
Thou Coming One, our wants relieve
Thou hast said, exalted Jesus
Though in the outward church below
Thy broken body, gracious Lord
Thy holy Sabbath, Lord
Thy word is a lamp to my feet
Time now is closing, Jesus will come
Tis down into the water
Tis the last call of mercy
Today the Saviour calls
Truth is the gem for which we seek

Watchman! Tell us of the night
We have heard from the bright, the holy land
We speak of the joys of the blest
We’re going home — we’ve had visions bright
We’re going to see the bleeding Lamb
We’re looking for a city
Weary pilgrim, why this sadness
Welcome, the Sabbath hour,
What heavenly music steals over the sea
What poor despised company
What sound is this salutes my ear
What various hind’rances we meet
What vessel are you sailing in
When ancient Israel met the foe,
When for the eternal world we steer
When God confirmed his law to men
When I can read my title clear
When marshal’d on the nightly plain
When shall we meet again
When strangers stand and hear me tell
When the last trumpet sounds
When thou my righteous Judge shall come
Why sleep ye, my brethren! Come, let us arise
With Jesus in our midst
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb

Ye jewels of our Master
Ye who rose to meet the Lord
Your harps ye mourning saints
