
30 Spotify Picks for Softly & Tenderly

This inspiring hymn was written by a wealthy business man and musician who realized that God was all the world to Him. In turn, he dedicated his life to writing only sacred music.

As a result, his hymns, particularly Softly and Tenderly, ministered to thousands of people. Even the famous evangelist Dwight Moody wished at his deathbed that he would’ve penned such a song that intimately portrays God and His longing for His people.

This song is still beloved and well-known among Christians and has been sung in movies, funerals of important people, churches and homes.

An Invitation to Come Home

This is a typical lullaby in the gospel hymn tradition that characterizes Jesus as a mother, gently rocking and comforting a child. This attribute contributes to the continuing popularity of this genre of religious song that presents Jesus as waiting, caring, and forgiving in intimate—and for many, compelling—metaphors.

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