CHRISTIAN LIFE >> Christian Warfare
SDAH 610
O Christian, awake! ’tis the Master’s command;
With helmet and shield, and a sword in thy hand,
To meet the bold tempter, go, fearlessly go,
Then stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.

O Christian, awake! ’tis the Master’s command;
With helmet and shield, and a sword in thy hand,
To meet the bold tempter, go, fearlessly go,
Then stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.
Stand like the brave, stand like the brave,
Stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.
The cause of thy Master with vigor defend;
Be watchful, be zealous, and fight to the end;
Wherever He leads thee, go, valiantly go,
Then stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.
Press on, never doubting, thy Captain is near,
With grace to supply, and with comfort to cheer;
His love, like a stream in the desert will flow;
Then stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.

Hymn Info
Biblical Reference
(a) Eph 6:14, 16 (b) Eph 6:12 (c) Mark 13:37 (d) Isa 35:6 (r) Jos 7:8
Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915)
Metrical Number
W.B. Bradbury (1816-1868) and
Philip Phillips (184-1895)

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The Christian’s character is marked with courage strengthened by the provisions of His Lord and King – the helmet and shield, and the sword in his hand. Above all, he is strengthened by the assurance: “I will be with you always, even unto the end. (Lesson 5, 2nd Quarter, Thursday, Make Your Name Great, 4/29/2021)