
SDAH 598: Watch, Ye Saints

CHRISTIAN LIFE >> Watchfulness

SDAH 598

Watch, ye saints, with eyelids waking;
Lo! The powers of heaven are shaking;
Keep your lamps all trimmed an burning,
Ready for your Lord’s returning.


Watch, ye saints, with eyelids waking;
Lo! The powers of heaven are shaking;
Keep your lamps all trimmed an burning,
Ready for your Lord’s returning.

Lo! He comes, lo! Jesus comes;
Lo! He come, He comes all glorious!
Jesus comes to reign victorious,
Lo! He comes, yes, Jesus comes.

Lo! the promise of your Savior,
Pardoned sin and purchased favor,
Blood-washed robes and crowns of glory;
Haste to tell redemption’s story.

Kingdoms at their base are crumbling,
Hark! His chariot wheels are rumbling;
Tell, O tell of grace abounding,
While the seventh trump is sounding.

Nations wane, though proud and stately;
Christ His kingdom hasteneth greatly;
Earth her latest pangs is summing;
Shout, ye saints, your Lord is coming.

Sinners, come, while Christ is pleading;
Now for you He’s interceding;
Haste, ere grace and time diminished
Shall proclaim the mystery finished.

Hymn Info
Hymn Info

Biblical Reference
(a) Matt 24:29, 25:7 (b) Rev 7:14, 4:10 (c) Dan 2:44 (e) Heb 7:25 (r) Rev 22:12

Mrs. Phoebe Palmer (1807-1874)

Year Published

Metrical Number

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921)

Get the hymn sheet in other keys here


This group is the object of the little horn’s persecution and is described as “the saints”, “the saints of the most High”, and as “the people of the saints of the most High” as they receive the kingdom. They also are referred to as “holy people.” Thus, the saints of the Most High “are to be identified with God’s faithful followers who constitute His remnant people, who are His chosen ones, set apart from the rest of the nations, persecuted by the power opposing God, but keeping the covenant faith and maintaining their trust and confidence in God from whom they finally receive an everlasting kingdom.

Revelation 12–14 depicts the followers of Christ and shows how they remain faithful during the last crisis.where John says that “the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 12:17, NKJV). (Lesson 8, 1st Quarter 2020 – Thursday, The Holy Ones of the Most High, 2/20/2020)

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