SDAH 386
The sacred anthem slowly rang
Across the fields of praise,
When earth’s first Sabbath made complete
All creatures and all days.

The sacred anthem slowly rang
Across the fields of praise,
When earth’s first Sabbath made complete
All creatures and all days.
Walking with God, there,
Woman and man together share
The blessed Sabbath mood;
And in that green and golden world
Know all God’s works are good.
But now in our diminished lives
We sing a blemished song;
The earth is worn and disarrayed
And all our work goes wrong.
Still in our worship,
Joining in praise and fellowship,
By Sabbath radiance blessed,
We put our doubt and fear away
And rest within God’s rest.
And arching over time and space
The Lord of Sabbaths wills
Renewal for the weary earth
And healing for our ills.
Hearts will rejoice then;
There will be no more weeping, when
We know and shall be known.
With hosts of the redeemed we’ll sing
Around God’s shining throne.

Hymn Info
Biblical Reference
(a) Gen 2:3, 1:31 (b) Heb 1:11, 4:9 (c) Rev 21:4, 7:9
Ottilie Stafford (1921-)
Year Published
Words copyright 1984 by Ottilie Stafford; Music copyright 1984 by Melvin West
Hymn Tune
Metrical Number
Melvin West (1930-)
Year Composed

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Get to know the hymns a little deeper with the SDA Hymnal Companion. Use our song leader’s notes to engage your congregation in singing with understanding. Even better, involve kids in learning this hymn with our homeschooling materials.
It is by God’s great grace that we are able to keep the Sabbath holy. We remember how He created the world in the beginning and ended the creation week by instituting the Sabbath. A day to remember our Creator and align our lives in harmony with His will. (Lesson 9, 2nd Quarter 2021 – Thursday, Remembering the Sabbath, 5/27/2021)