
SDAH 340: Jesus Saves

GOSPEL >> Salvation & Redemption

SDAH 340

We have heard a joyful sound,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Spread the gladness all around,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;


We have heard a joyful sound,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Spread the gladness all around,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Bear the news to every land,
Climb the steeps and cross the waves,
Onward, ’tis our Lord’s command,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves.

Waft it on the rolling tide,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Tell to sinners, far and wide,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Sing, ye islands of the sea.
Echo back, ye ocean caves,
Earth shall keep her jubilee,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves.

Sing above the battle’s strife,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
By His death and endless life,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Sing it softly through the gloom,
When the heart for mercy craves,
Sing in triumph o’er the tomb,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves.

Give the winds a mighty voice,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Let the nations now rejoice,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Shout salvation full and free,
Highest hills and deepest caves,
This our song of victory,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves.

Hymn Info
Hymn Info

Biblical Reference
(a) Ps 96:2; Mark 16:15 (b) Lev 25:10 (c) Rev 1:18

Priscilla J. Owens (1829-1907)

Metrical Number

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921)

Year Composed

the hymn in worship

Get the hymn sheet in other keys here


The heavenly court scene of Daniel 7:9–14 depicts the central event of the chapter. The books; the Ancient of Days on the throne; and the Son of man, surrounded by heavenly clouds (Dan. 7:13) as He comes into the presence of the Ancient of Days, portray a scene of judgment in heaven. For the saints, who have been persecuted by the little horn, the judgment means vindicationsalvation, and restoration. We should bear in mind that the judgment of the living will take place only when the time of probation closes and the seven last plagues begin to be poured on Babylon (Revelation 15, Revelation 16). But most important, we must not fear the judgment because the “Son of Man” is our representative in the heavenly tribunal. Thus, rather than condemnation, the heavenly judgment will bring us vindication and deliverance. (Lesson 8, 1st Quarter 2020 – Tuesday, The Court Was Seated, 2/17/2020)

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