
SDAH 275: O God of Light


SDAH 275

O God of light, Your Word, a lamp unfailing,
Shall pierce the darkness of our earthbound way
And show Your grace,
Your plan for us unveiling,


O God of light, Your Word, a lamp unfailing,
Shall pierce the darkness of our earthbound way
And show Your grace,
Your plan for us unveiling,
And guide our footsteps to the perfect day.

From days of old, through blind and willful ages,
Though we rebelled, You gently sought again,
And spoke through saints,
Apostles, prophets, sages,
Who wrote with eager or reluctant pen.

Undimmed by time, those words are still revealing
To sinful hearts Your justice and Your grace;
And questing mortals longing for Your healing,
See Your compassion in the Savior’s face.

To all the world Your summons You are sending,
Through all the earth, to ever land and race,
That myriad tongues, in one great anthem blending,
May praise and celebrate Your gift of grace.

Hymn Info
Hymn Info

Biblical Reference
(a) Ps 119:105; Prov 4:18 (b) 2 Pet 1:21 (c) Matt 9:36 (d) Rev 14:6

Sarah E. Taylor (1883-1954) alt.

Performance Suggestions

Words copyright 1952. Renewal 1980 by The Hymn Society of America, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129. Used by permission. Music copyright 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship. Used by permission of Augsburg Publishing House.

Hymn Tune

Metrical Number

H. Barrie Cabena (1933-)

Get the hymn sheet in other keys here


As we approach the last days of earth’s history, we need more than ever to study and live according to God’s Word. Only Scripture can provide us with an authoritative explanation of the world we live in. After all, Scripture tells the story of the great controversy between good and evil, and thus reveals that human history will close with the obliteration of evil and the establishment of God’s eternal kingdom. The more we study the Scriptures, the better we can understand the contemporary situation of the world and our place in it, as well as our reasons for hope amid a world that offers none. (Lesson 10, 1st Quarter 2020 – Sunday, Centrality of God’s Word, 3/1/2020)

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