SDAH 595: Let Every Lamp Be Burning

Text 1Let every lamp be burning bright,The darkest hour is nearing;The darkest hour of earth’s long night,Before the Lord’s appearing. RefrainThen trim your lamps, my brethren dear,Then trim your lamps with godly fear;The Master’s coming draweth near,Let every lamp be burning. 2Though thousands calmly slumber on,The last great message spurring,We’ll rest our living faith uponHis…

SDAH 594: Heir of the Kingdom

Text 1Heir of the kingdom, O why dost thou slumber?Why art thou sleeping so near thy blest home?Wake thee, arouse thee, and gird on thine armor,Speed, for the moments are hurrying on. 2Heir of the kingdom, say, why dost thou linger?How canst thou tarry in sight of the prize?Up, and adorn thee, the Savior is…

SDAH 593: In Times Like These

Text 1In times like these you need a Savior,In times like these you need and anchor;Be very sure, be very sure Your anchor holds and grips the Solid rock!This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He’s the One;This Rock is Jesus, The only One!Be very sure, be very sure Your anchor holds and grips the Solid rock!…

SDAH 592: Watchman, Tell Us of the Night

Text 1Watchman, tell us of the night what its signs of promise are.Traveler, o’er yon mountain’s height, see that glory beaming star.Watchman, does its beauteous ray aught of joy or hope foretell?Traveler, yes; it brings the day, promised day of Israel. 2Watchman, tell us of the night, higher yet that star ascends.Traveler, blessedness and light,…

SDAH 591: In Our Work and In Our Play

Text 1In our work and in our play,Jesus, ever with us stay;May be always strive to beTrue and faithful unto Thee.Then we truthfully can sing,We are children of the King. 2May we in Thy strength subdueEvil tempers, words untrue,Thoughts impure, and deeds unkind,All things hateful to Thy mind.Then we truthfully can sing,We are children of…

SDAH 590: Trust and Obey

Text 1When we walk with the Lordin the light of his word,what a glory he sheds on our way!While we do his good will,he abides with us still,and with all who will trust and obey. RefrainTrust and obey, for there’s no other wayto be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. 2Not a shadow…

SDAH 589: Holy Spirit, Gracious Guest

Text 1Holy Spirit, gracious guest,Hear and grant our heart’s requestFor that gift supreme and best:Holy heav’nly love. 2Faith that mountains could remove,Tongues of earth or heaven above,Knowledge, all things, empty proveIf I have no love. 3Though I as a martyr bleed,Give my goods the poor to feed,All is vain if love I need:Therefore give me…

SDAH 588: Lord of All Nations

Text 1Lord of all nations, grant me graceTo love all people, every race,And in each person may I seeMy kindred loved, redeemed by Thee. 2Break down the wall that would divideThy children, Lord, on every side.My neighbor’s good let me pursue;Let Christian love bind warm and true. 3Forgive me, Lord, where I have erredBy loveless…

SDAH 587: In Christ There Is No East or West

Text 1In Christ there is no east nor west,In Him no south or north;But one great fellowship of loveThroughout the whole wide earth. 2In Him shall true heart everywhereTheir high communion find;His service is the golden cordClose binding all mankind. 3Join hands, then, brothers of the faith,Whate’er your race may be.Who serves my Father as…

SDAH 586: What Joy It Is to Worship Here

Text 1What joy it is to worship here,And find ourselves at home,Where God, who uses every gift,Has room for all who come! 2Yet are no two of us alikeOf all the human race,And we must seek a common groundIf we would share His grace. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(b) Luke 19:41 AuthorFred Pratt Green (1903-) Year…