SDAH 605: My Soul, Be On Thy Guard

Text 1My soul, be on thy guard!Ten thousand foes arise;The hosts of sin are pressing hardTo draw thee from the skies. 2O watch, and fight, and pray!The battle ne’er give o’er;Renew it boldly every day,And help divine implore. 3Ne’er think the victory won,Nor lay thine armor down;Thy arduous task will not be doneTill thou obtain…

SDAH 604: We Know Not the Hour

Text 1We know not the hour of the Master’s appearing;Yet signs all foretell that the moment is nearingWhen He shall return ’tis the promise most cheeringBut we know not the hour. RefrainHe will come, let us watch and be ready;He will come, hallelujah! hallelujah!He will come in the clouds of His Father’sbright glory but we…

SDAH 603: Christian, Seek Not Repose

Text 1Christian, seek not yet repose,Cast thy dreams of ease away;Thou art in the midst of foes;Watch and pray! 2Gird thy heavenly armor on,Wear it ever, night and day;Ambushed lies the evil one;Watch and pray! 3Hear the victors who o’ercame;Still they mark each warrior’s way;All with one sweet voice exclaim:“Watch and pray!” 4Hear, above all,…

SDAH 602: O Brother, Be Faithful

Text 1O brother be faithful! soon Jesus will come,For whom we have waited so long;O, soon we shall enter our glorious home,And join in the conqueror’s song.O brother be faithful!for why should we proveUnfaithful to Him who had shownSuch deep, such unbounded and infinite loveWho died to redeem us His own. 2O brother be faithful!…

SDAH 601: Watchmen, On the Walls of Zion

Text 1Watchmen, on the walls of Zion,What O tell us, of the night?Is the daystar now arising?Will the morn soon greet our sight?O’er your vision Shine there nowsome rays of light?O’er your vision Shine there nowsome rays of light? 2Tell, O tell us, are the landmarksOn our voyage all passed by?Are we nearing now the…

SDAH 600: Hold Fast Till I Come

Text 1Sweet promise is given to all who believe–“Behold I come quickly, Mine own to receive;Hold fast till I come; the danger is great;Sleep not as do others; be watchful, and wait.” Refrain“Hold fast till I come,” sweet promise of heaven–“The kingdom restored, to you shall be given.”“Come, enter My joy, sit down on the…

SDAH 599: Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers

Text 1Rejoice, rejoice, believers, and let your lights appear:The evening is advancing, and darker night is near.The Bridegroom is arising, and soon He draweth nigh.Up, pray, and watch, and wrestle, at midnight comes the cry. 2The watchers on the mountain proclaim the Bride-groom near.Go, meet Him as He cometh, with hallelujahs clear.The marriage feast is…

SDAH 598: Watch, Ye Saints

Text 1Watch, ye saints, with eyelids waking;Lo! The powers of heaven are shaking;Keep your lamps all trimmed an burning,Ready for your Lord’s returning. RefrainLo! He comes, lo! Jesus comes;Lo! He come, He comes all glorious!Jesus comes to reign victorious,Lo! He comes, yes, Jesus comes. 2Lo! the promise of your Savior,Pardoned sin and purchased favor,Blood-washed robes…

SDAH 597: Ye Servants of the Lord

Text 1Ye servants of the Lord,Each in his office wait,Observant of His heavenly Word,And watchful at His gate. 2Let all your lamps be bright,And trim the golden flame,Gird up your loins as in His sight,His coming thus proclaim. 3Watch, ’tis your Lord’s command,And while we speak He’s near;Mark the first signal of His hand,And ready…

SDAH 596: Look for the Waymarks

Text 1Look for the way-marks as you journey on,Look for the way-marks passing one by one;Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four—Where are we standing? Look the way-marks o’er. RefrainLook for the way-marks, the great prophetic way-marks,Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four.Look for the waymarks, the great prophetic way-marks;The journey’s almost o’er.…