Text Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(a) Ps 148:1, 2 AuthorThomas Ken (1637-1710) Year Published1695 Hymn TuneOLD HUNDREDTH Metrical NumberL.M. ComposerLouis Bourgeois (c.1510-1561) Year Composed1551 Notes
Category: SDA HYMNAL (1985)
Text Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(a) Ps 148:1, 2 AuthorThomas Ken (1637-1710) Year Published1695 Hymn TuneOLD HUNDREDTH Metrical NumberL.M. ComposerLouis Bourgeois (1510-1561) Year Composed1551 Watch Notes
Text Almighty Father, hear our prayer,and bless all souls that wait before Thee.Amen. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(a) Isa 30:18 AuthorAnonymous ArrangedFelix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) Year Composed1846 Notes
Text The Lord is in His holy temple,The Lord is in His holy temple,Let all the earth keep silence,Let all the earth keep silence, before Him,Keep silence, keep silence, before Him.Amen. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(a) Hab 2:20 Hymn TuneQUAM DILECTA ComposerGeorge F. Root (1820-1895) Notes
Text Lead me, Lord, lead me in thy righteousness;make thy way plain before my face. For it is thou, Lord, thou, Lord only,that makest me dwell in safety. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(a) Ps 5:8, 4:8 ComposerSamuel S. Wesley (1810-1876) Notes
Text Dismiss us, Lord, with blessing, we pray;As from Thy worship we go our ways;Guide in life’s conflicts, all through the day;Save in Thy kingdom, Thine be the praise.Amen. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(a) Ps 48:14, 28:9 AuthorL.E. Froom (1890-1974) Hymn TuneBENEDICTION Metrical Number9.9.9.9. ComposerL.E. Froom Year Composed1934 Notes
Text Day by day, Dear Lord, of Thee three things I pray:To see Thee more clearly, Love Thee more dearly,Follow Thee more nearly, Day by day. Hymn Info AuthorRichard of Chichester (1197-1253) CopyrightMusic copyright 1960 by H.W. Gray Co., a division of Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Metrical Number11.11.9. ComposerHarold W.…
Text Surely, surely the Lord has been here,Surely angels still linger near;I hear music soft on my ear,I feel His Spirit,I have no fear. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(a) Gen 28:16 AuthorEleanor Wright Year Published1978 CopyrightCopyright 1978 by Eleanor Wright Metrical Number9.8.8.9. ComposerEleanor Wright (1926-) Notes
Text The Lord is in His holy temple,The Lord is in His holy temple,Let all the earth be silentbe silent before Him. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(a) Hab 2:20 AuthorAnonymous ComposerOliver S. Beltz (1887-1978) Notes
Text Bless thou the gifts our hands have brought;bless thou the work our hearts have planned.Ours is the faith, the will, the thought;the rest, O God, is in thy hand.Amen. Hymn Info Biblical Reference(a) Luk 9:16 AuthorSamuel Longfellow (1819-1892) Year Published1886 Hymn TuneCANONBURY Metrical NumberL.M. Arrangedfrom Robert A. Schumann, 1839 (1810-1856) Notes