Hymns for God’s Peculiar People That Keep the Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus

In 1849, James White published the first hymnal for the Sabbath-keeping Adventists. This tiny volume, just three and one-half by five inches, had 48 pages filled with lyrics for 53 hymns, but no music. It had a long title: “Hymns for God’s Peculiar People That Keep the Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus.” It was drawn extensively from the Millennial Harp, or Second Advent Hymns, both published by Joshua V. Himes in 1842, 1843, and 1848. Back then, the small group didn’t have its own press yet, so the book was printed by Richard Oliphant in Oswego, New York. Initially, it came out in paperback, but later copies were bound in brown leather lined with brown paper and hand stapled with brass wire. The hymns didn’t have any authors listed, which was typical for that time, and there were no notes on what tunes to use. Ten hymns out of 53 are included in the current SDA Hymnal.

Index of titles and first lines

A Pilgrim and a Stranger
A soldier, Lord, thou hast me made
Adventists’ Experience
Almost Home
And when the last loud trumpet
Appearing of Christ
Are we almost there

Be of Good Cheer
Be perfect—holiness pursue
Behold a light appears
Blessings of the Sabbath
Bright crowns are just before us
Bright Scenes of Glory

Christian Soldier
Christian, thy warfare soon will
Close of Time
Come let us Anew

Fall of Babylon
Farewell! farewell! to all below
For Canaan I’ve started, and on

Hail the day so long expected
Hail, partners in the Advent band
Hail, peaceful morn, thy dawn I hail
Have you Faith?
Hear the glorious proclamation
Heavenly Music
Here is no Rest
Here o’er the earth as a stranger
Holy Bible! Book divine!
Holy Rest
Holy Sabbath
Hosannah! hark, the melody
How happy are the little flock
How sweet to reflect on those joys

I Cannot Go Back
I’m a lonely trav’ller here
I’m a pilgrim and I’m a stranger
I’m a Traveller
I’m glad I know that Christ

Jesus our Saviour says
Jesus, I my cross have taken

Lo, what a glorious sight appears
Lo! an angel loud proclaiming,
Lo! He Comes
Lord’s Prayer

Mark that pilgrim — lowly bending

O Hail, Happy Day
O tell me no more
Oh, spare Thy people, Lord
Oh! Come to reign!
Our Father who in heaven art

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Sabbath of Rest
Second Advent History
Soldiers of Christ arise
Sound the Jubilee
Sweet is the work, my God

Taking up the Cross
The appearing of Christ is good
The Better Land
The Bible
The Bright Morning
The Chariot
The Coming Events
The Coming Glory
The Coming of the Lord
The Friend in Need
The friends that flee when trials come
The Joys of Eden
The Jubilee Prayer
The last lovely morning
The Little Flock
The New Jerusalem
The Pure Testimony
The pure, unfailing Word of God
The Resurrection
The Seal
Thine earthly Sabbath, Lord,
This World is not my Home
Time now is closing
True Joys
Truth is the gem

Washing feet
We have heard from the bright
We speak of the joys of the blest
What heavenly music steals over
What is Truth?
When Jesus Christ was here below
While I was down in Egypt’s land Truth?

1. Holy Sabbath
2. Second Advent History
3. Heaven
4. Washing feet
5. The Joys of Eden
6. The Seal
7. Adventists’ Experience
8. O Hail, Happy Day
9. The Better Land
10. Restitution

11. Lord’s Prayer
12. Close of Time
13. Have you Faith?
14. Armageddon
15. This World is Not my Home
16. Christian Soldier
17. The Chariot
18. The Bright Morning
19. I’m a Traveller
20. The Bible

21. The Jubilee Prayer
22. Be of Good Cheer
23. Here is no Rest
24. Oh! Come to reign!
25. Bright Scenes of Glory
26. The Pure Testimony
27. Farewell
28. The Friend in Need
29. The Coming Events
30. The Little Flock

31. Exhortation
32. What is Truth?
33. The Resurrection
34. Heavenly Music
35. Taking up the Cross
36. A Pilgrim and a Stranger
37. True Joys
38. I Cannot Go Back
39. Sound the Jubilee
40. Lo! He Comes

41. The Coming of the Lord
42. Rejoice! Rejoice!
43. The New Jerusalem
44. Sabbath of Rest
45. Blessings of the Sabbath
46. Fall of Babylon
47. Almost Home
48. The Coming Glory
49. Appearing of Christ
50. Come let us Anew
51. Holy Rest
52. Are we almost there
53. Praise God from whom all blessings flow
