Encouraging a revival of hymn-singing among Seventh-day ADVENTIST congregations and families through HYMN resources and materials

“Music is one of the most effective means of impressing the heart with spiritual truth.”
-Ellen White

A Few Ways to Begin…

The Blog

Practical ideas, helpful tips, researched articles and creative strategies to help you lead, teach music and encourage a music revival with confidence in your churches and homes.

The Hymnals

SDA hymnals spanning from the first hymnal James White published in 1849 to the current SDA Hymnal. Explore each hymn and take advantage of our additional resources.

The Tools

A collection of (mostly free!) printables and digital, audio-visual and specially curated resources to help you get a better understanding of the hymn.

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Lead song service with confidence with

Song Leader’s Notes

Want suggestions on what to sing for Sabbath School song service? Subscribe and you will get my top hymn picks, carefully chosen to be relevant with the current Sabbath School quarterly.


I really like the way you gave the details of the study of your hymnal…I work on the musical hermeneutics of the specific texts and the students are always amazed by the richness of each number…Do continue your research in this field. The people of God respond to Him by singing…’with all our hearts’ and He is glorified, and we are edified!

Jeanne D.

Music Professor

Your website and your music are a real blessing! I’ve been using your Lyrics and your Hymn Information to create the slides for our worship services. I’ve also been listening to your music and following your YouTube channel. Your work is very impressive and a real blessing!

Paul G.

Church musician

I’ve been wishing that you would put out a list of hymns that would work for each Sabbath School.  Thank you so much.  As bulletin secretary, it usually falls on me to choose the hymns for the week.  This will greatly speed up my job each week.
I also appreciate your quote of the week.  I often use a quote as a filler when there isn’t a lot of announcements.  Thank you again!

Kimberly K.

Church Secretary

For many years I did exactly what you promote, I selected hymns based on the adult quarterly lessons for the particular Sabbath I was on as the song director. 
I know it was personally meaningful to me to enlarge my understanding of the SS lessons via the hymns I led since I am deeply interested in music of and for the church, hymns, and Hymnology, and I hope the congregants gain the same. Thanks so much!

Terry K.

Church ELDER
