SDAH 648: I Vow to Thee, My Country

Text 1I vow to thee, my country,all earthly things above,Entire and whole and perfect,the service of my love:The love that asks the reason,the love that stands the test,That lays upon the altarthe dearest and the best;The love that never falters,the love that pays the price,The love that makes undauntedthe final sacrifice. 2And there’s another country,I’ve…

SDAH 224: Seek Ye First the Kingdom

Text 1Seek ye first the kingdom,‘Tis your Father’s will.So the voice of Jesus bids us follow still.Saviour, we would hear Thee,Follow, find, and see;And in life’s adventure Thy disciples be. 2As for hidden treasure,Or for matchless pearl,When at last discovered,some will sell their all;So, when breaks the vision of thatkingdom fair,Ours shall be its riches…