SDAH 596: Look for the Waymarks

Text 1Look for the way-marks as you journey on,Look for the way-marks passing one by one;Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four—Where are we standing? Look the way-marks o’er. RefrainLook for the way-marks, the great prophetic way-marks,Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four.Look for the waymarks, the great prophetic way-marks;The journey’s almost o’er.…

SDAH 415: Christ the Lord, All Power Possessing

Text 1Christ, the Lord, all power possessing,Parting, mounted heaven’s height,Gracious hands outstretched in blessing,Clouds received His from their sight.Christ ascended, Christ ascended,Christ ascended on the clouds.(on the clouds)Christ ascended on the clouds. 2Daniel views earth’s judgment hour,Angels gathering open books.God enthroned inflaming powerFor His Son’s arrival looks.Christ approaches, Christ approaches,Christ approaches on the clouds.(on the…